If you're a startup and you have no money, best wishes and good luck to you. Just close the window, and may your venture succeed.
Purchasing this domain is simple. Compose a very short email with a market-priced offer and send it to the domain contact.
Provide a real email address. If the best you can do is gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail, etc. then the best you can do is not good enough.
- Never mention escrow.com. We don't do children's games here. We can use a real Agreement drafted by real lawyers and use a real escrow company and real wire transfers. - Never mention ZelleĀ®, any crypto-anything, any blockchain-anything, or provide a sob-story. Really, just your offer will be sufficient. If you can't afford your very own lawyer for your part of the Agreement you can't afford this domain name. - You're welcome to inquire as to anything except for the price. It's "market price" and the rule of thumb, like with live lobsters, is that if you have to ask it's not for you.